BOSTON, December 13.
From WASHINGTON, December 11.
Subjoined is a
list of the Electors actually chosen in South Carolina, all of whom will
vote for Messrs. Jefferson and Burr [*list omitted as it had already been
published.] The candidate on the federal list who had the highest number
of votes was Gen. Washington, the relation and fellow-soldier of our late
illustrious Chief, and one of the deliverers of South Carolina. He had
sixty-nine votes -- it will follow of course that the Legislature will
choose a democratic Senator, and probably the Governor will be of the
same politics. Thus is this important question, and thus perhaps is the
fate of our Government decided. It is uneccessary to communicate all those
reflections which crowd upon the mind of every friend to our federal Government.
That the influence of New England in the Councils of the Union will now
be lost, at least for a period, is sufficiently apparent. Whether anarchy,
convultions, a prostration of national credit, a reversal of all those
measures which have given us dignity among nations; want of confidence,
contempt abroad, a foreign war; and civil war will be consequent upon
this change, depend entirely upon the force of the impulse which some
of the partizans of the new administration may communicate to its measures.
It is, however, our duty not to despond, but patiently to wait the event
of things. Should the new administration adhere to the principles which
have made us prosperous and happy, they will become federalists in fact,
and the change will only exhibit the versatility and ingratitude of a
people towards old friends and faithful servants, without any other consequence.
Good men may secretly repine that Adams, Jay, Ellsworth, Pinckney, and
other Patriots of the revolution, are forced into retirement, still if
principles are preserved and the interests of the nation promoted, we
must like good citizens support the constituted authorities. But we can
hardly flatter ourselves with these agreeable results; we cannot expect
that where all the measures of government have been the theme of invective,
opposition will have the magnanimity to change its tone and pursue the
same course. Expectations have been raised which must be gratified, promises
have been made which must be fulfilled -- To refrain from innovation,
will be to approve of the present administration and to condemn the violence
of its adversaries. There is one consolation, to which the friends of
Messrs. Adams and Pinckney are entitled -- The honor with which they have
observed their compact. To my certain knowledge it was in the power of
Gen. Pinckney's friends to have compromised with Mr. Jefferson's friends,
and to have had an equal vote with him. It was with great reluctance he
was given up, but he and his friends rejected this compromise with the
[copy illegible]. It is also equally certain that Mr. Adams declared,
when the event of the election was still doubtful, that if Mr. Pinckney
succeeded, he should receive his zealous and cordial support, and that
all federal men were bound to concur in maintaining his administration.
This mutual experience
of honor and fidelity cannot fail to produce the happiest effects on future
occasions. This league of talents and virtue, founded in patriotism and
preserved with good faith, will be a resource in tempestuous seasons,
that will yet preserve our country. |
-- Mr. Jefferson will succeed to the Presidency
under favorable circumstances, which, though attributed entirely to the
existing government, will, by the undistinguishing voice of those who
examine nothing, but decide everything, be ascribed to him and his adherents
-- The surplus of revenue for the present year will be two millions
of dollars, the whole of which may not be exhibited until after his
accession. The land tax has become unnecessary; he will have the credit
of its abolition -- Commercial advantages will result from a renewed intercourse
with France; he will claim the merit of it.-- To all this we must patiently
submit, and we will cheerfully submit, if these advantages are preserved
by wise measures.
HARTFORD, December 29.
The Honorable
OLIVER ELLSWORTH, Esq. has resigned his office of Chief Justice of the
United States. His Excellency, Governor JAY, we hear, has been [nominated?]
by the President to succeed him in that office.
Extract of a letter from Capt. John Smith,
of the Brig Heroine, to his owner in this City, dated St. Piere, Nov.
the 21st November fell in with two English Letters of Marque, under
the command of Capt. Findley, in the Ship Caroline, of Liverpool, of
22 guns, who very politely offered me his protection to his port, altho'
it was 60 miles out of his way, which I gladly accepted of. On the next
day fell in with a French privateer of 10 guns and 120 men, who received
a decent flogging and sheered off. I feel myself under the greatest
obligation to Capt. Findley, through whose politeness I have saved my
vessel, and request that you would cause this act of generosity to be
made public."
paper called the Times, printed at Alexandria, in Virginia on the 15th
inst. contains the following important article.
are informed by authority upon which we can rely, that Mr. Sitgreaves
has at length negociated an adjustment of our differences with Great
Britain, which have arisen in consequence of the sixth article of our
treaty of amity, Commerce and navigation with that power. Government,
we believe has not yet received an official copy of the instrument,
and our knowledge of it is not sufficiently extensive, to state with
precision many of the leading features, or the nature of the claims
which are barred by it in future, but we can venture to assert, that,
as, the SOLID BASIS upon which the future friendship of the two nations
is to be founded it is stipulated that a specified sum of money shall
be paid by the Government of the United States to that of Great Britain,
and in consequence that certain claims of a particular nature shall
be again adduced. The commissioners will then resume the exercise of
their functions.
A letter from
Captain Shaw, of the United States schooner Enterprize, of 12 guns,
to a friend in
Baltimore, dated Philadelphia Dec. 12, after mentioning the return
of health, which adh suffered from a West-India climate, says, "I am
happy to inform you of my good success in the West Indies -- I have
in my last cruise taken 13 sail of vessels, made 300 French prisoners,
killed and wounded 61 men, taken 42 pieces of artillery and 180 stand
of musquetry--which is really more than I could have contemplated."
After a period
of twelve years, the administration of our government will soon be put
into the hands of men supposed to be, at least in many respects, of
different principles from their predecessors. What the new administration
will be, and what the conduct of all parties, is a subject of much curiosity
and of great importance.
it should hereafter appear, that he who is the First Magistrate under
the federal government, is from whatever cause, inimical to its true
principles--if from false theory, from want of firmness or from the
desire of popularity, he yields up to [illegible copy] or branch of
government, the just prerogatives of his office--if he should permit
the executive power to be made a mere machine in the hands of a party
or its leaders--if the party in office should go on to weaken the executive
power in the several states, to diminish the influence, and to withdraw
the constitutional checks, reposed for the sake of deliberation and
stability in Senate and governors--if the gates of our governments should
be thrown open and kept open by admitting without delay, or discrimination,
all aliens to the right of suffrage and to office--if elections should
become more and more scenes of passion and tumult, the dangers of which
the peaceable and steady voter chooses not to brave--if men base, turbulent
and daring should succeed in acquiring consequence and popularity, while
the people become intoxicated with visionary notions of liberty and
equality--if the commercial and mechanical interests of the nation should
be sacrificed under pretence of promoting the agricultural--if hostility
to the Christian system should be encouraged and mad and immoral philosophy
should extend its influence--if without regard to the balance of power,
we should be drawn closer and closer to France and spurred on to war
with Great Britain--if these things should take place, then, federalists,
what you dreaded from the change will be fast hastening on and almost
arrived. Then, virtuous Republicans, you will be on the point of losing
the substance in search of the shadow--then will "the sovereign authority
be destroyed and the union dissolved"--then, the great pillars of society
having been thrown down, the edifice will crush millions in its fall--the
chariot of the sun of liberty being [copy illegible] driven far below
the safe, the middle circle, the North and the South,
the East and the West will beall in flames. [remainder
of copy illegible.]