NEW-YORK, February 16.
-------------- PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION from a supplement to the Philadelphia Gaz- "Washington, Feb. 11, 1801, half past 3 o'clock P.M. "According to the rules of proceedings established by the house, they proceeded to the Senate chamber, where (Mr. Nicholas and Mr. Rutledge, the tellers on the part of the House, and Mr. Wells on the part of the Senate) the votes were counted and the result declared by the Vice-President, as follows:
Mr. Nicholson, of Maryland, was also unwell, but attended, and had a bed prepared for him in one of the committee-rooms, to which place the ballot-box was carried to him by the tellers appointed on the part of the state. The mode of balloting was this:--Each state had a ballot-box, in which the members belonging to it, having previously appointed a teller, put the votes of the state. The teller on the part of the United States having then counted the votes, duplicates of the result were put by him into two general ballot boxes. Tellers being nominated by each state for the purpose of examining the general ballot boxes, they were divided into two parts, of whom one examined the general ballot boxes, and the other examined the other. Upon comparing the result, and finding them to agree, the votes were stated to the Speaker, who declared to the house. The first ballot was,
which result continues to be the same although they have already balloted seven times. A motion was made about an half an hour since to repeat the ballot in one hour, and it was agreed to. The balloting is to recommence at the expiration of that time. Some of the members have gone to their lodgings to dine, and others are taking refreshments in the committee rooms. |
It is not improbable that the balloting will continue for some days yet to come. I cannot learn from any conversation what will eventually be the result; but I am inclined to suppose Mr. JEFFERSON will be chosen. Yours, "Three o'clock. A.M. Two ballots have been taken since - the same result - Ballot to be repeated again at 4 o'clock. [Thus far our correspondent.] --- Our communications from the city of Washington are as late as Thursday morning, half after 3 o'clock. At that time the balloting had been several times postponed for an hour at a time; when the hour expires, and the members are called to proceed again, it is ludricous [sic] to see some of them running with anxiety from the committee rooms with their night-caps on. Numbers of them are provided with pillows and blankets, and the contest would seem to be who has most strength of constitution, or who is most able to bear fatigue. Many of the members lie down at their places, determined like the heroes of old, (at least to sleep, if not to die at their posts.) [Remainder of copy illegible.] |