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As each anniversery of 9/11
approaches, teachers must deal again with the aftermath of personal
loss and terrible images and memories. Indeed, all children have shared to some
degree in the tragedy and the trauma; and all teachers continue to look for ways
to help their students understand and cope with a new reality. Many are using
images, music, words, and history to comfort and console. See our recently updated list of links below.
Daena Kluegel is a Montessori
teacher with 27 years experience as an educator. Daena teaches three, four and
five year olds in the North Arlington public schools. Although not near the
Pentagon, parents work there. Luckily, all got out safely. However, Daena writes,
"The Event has permeated life, in the news and in most discussions." Here is
her letter:
I am so proud of our school. The staff and parents were so strong and supportive on Tuesday. I talked to my class the next school day (no class on Wed.) They were afraid and confused. I told them I felt that also but that I knew we would be safe in school and at home and that our government was working to make sure of that. (I sure pray that I am right.)
I told them that I did not understand "BAD Guys" who hate us enough to hurt us when they do not even know us. Then we talked about Martin Luther King. We learned a song about him and how he promoted peace. We had lots of discussions for the rest of the week. We made paper peace doves with each kid's peace wish written on it to put on the bulletin board. Wishes included,"No more wars and killing" and "It should be safe for kids and dogs". (OOOh I tried not to melt on that!) I am stressing tolerance with them, different is not bad just different! We are a diverse class and most kids have been with me for 1 or 2 years so there is a strong sense of community. But, make no mistake, they are watching us, we are their models!
We have been following up with discussions about the terrorist attacks each day, just briefly, and singing our song about peace and harmony that MLK preached*. Friday morning as we were working in class, I helped a child label some shapes we have; the metal insets. He had chosen the pentagon. I said the name as I wrote it. Jose was doing a puzzle nearby and looked up. "The pentagon is a building right here, a plane flew into it and all the people got burned up." He looked right at me. I gulped and said "that is right and it is very sad to remember, Jose. We are safe here and the government is working to keep us safe and for that to never happen again." I said a silent prayer that what I said was correct, God Help Us! So we will continue to be vigilant and to reassure our children of our love and protection. This is very hard!
This week, when I met with the parents of these children for Back to School Night, the question was asked, "What did you tell them?" I briefly told them what I had said. "But why not just ignore it, and go on? That is what we do at home." I hardly believe that they think the children in their homes could be unaware that something very important and sad was going on! I honestly answered that I could not do that and that I did not think they would be able to do that either. I ended up asking them to talk to their little children, to reassure them and to explain it to them, "on their level, you know your own child and what he or she is ready for..." Did I say the right thing, I wonder?
*"Freedom Freedom - Let it Ring" by Jacqueline Woodson.
(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle...")
Freedom, Freedom Let it ring!
Let it ring said Dr. King
Let us live in harmony
Peace and love for you and me
Freedom, Freedom Let it ring!
Let it ring said Dr. King
Village Community School 272 West 10 Street New York, New York 10014
Making a Donation - Kevin, age 10 | Fireman and Policemen Helping - Sofi, age 10 |
Giving Blood - Natalie, age 10 | Donating Clothes - Genevieve, age 10 |
Nancy Beal's book, The Art of Teaching Art to Children In School and at Home, written with Gloria Bley Miller, was recently published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
York's Landmark Survivors - ROOTS & ROUTES/Action
Square - ROOTS & ROUTES/Action